Slovak language

Slovak language – Slovakia


Slovak  is a West Slavic language of the Czech–Slovak group, written in Latin script. Spoken by approximately 5 million people as a native language, primarily ethnic Slovaks, it serves as the official language of Slovakia and one of the 24 official languages of the European Union.

Slovak is closely related to Czech, to the point of mutual intelligibility to a very high degree, as well as Polish. Like other Slavic languages, Slovak is a fusional language with a complex system of morphology and relatively flexible word order. Its vocabulary has been extensively influenced by Latin and German and other Slavic languages.

The Czech–Slovak group developed within West Slavic in the high medieval period, and the standardization of Czech and Slovak within the Czech–Slovak dialect continuum emerged in the early modern period. In the later mid-19th century, the modern Slovak alphabet and written standard became codified by Ľudovít Štúr and reformed by Martin Hattala. The Moravian dialects spoken in the western part of the country along the border with the Czech Republic are also sometimes classified as Slovak, although some of their western variants are closer to Czech; they nonetheless form the bridge dialects between the two languages.

Slovak speakers are also found in the Slovak diaspora in the United States, the Czech Republic, Argentina, Serbia, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, Israel, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Ukraine, Norway, and other countries to a lesser extent.


I AM is a project created by the Free Spirit FoundationThrough the ‘I AM’ project, we amplify the voice of nature in all the world languages. We also preserve the endangered languages and cultures by revealing their beauty. People across the globe translate, read and record the same message (the voice of nature : the forest, the ocean, the earth, the sky and the animals) in their native dialect.


ORIGINAL : “Som Slovenka a žijem v Českej Republike, kde som si založila rodinu. Som matka, a plne sa venujem svojemu synovi. Nezabúdam ale aj na svet okolo nás. Som aktivistka a bránim práva zvierat a chcem byť hlasom tých, ktorí hlas nemajú. Snažím sa žiť život svojich snov.”

ENGLISH: “I am Slovakia girl who lives in the Czech Republic, where I started a family. I’m a mother, and I’m fully committed to my son. But I don’t forget the world around us. I am an activist and I defend animal rights and I want to be the voice of those who do not have a voice. I’m trying to live the life of my dreams.”


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